Psalm 23:1
I live in a universe that is God-created and God-sustained, and I shall never lack any good thing. The Intelligence that brought forth this universe is the Intelligence of my mind today. The lavishness of nature is proof to me that my own personal life can be filled with an abundance beyond the limits of my present belief. I now accept this lavish good which God is pouring into my world by means of my consciousness.
I destroy every fear of lack and limitation, and I know that God in me has already given to me more than I shall ever be able to use. I am fully receptive to the good which my Father has planned for me. I accept it in every form, whether money, friends, gifts or opportunities. I seek the prosperous ways of life, for I know that I am God ordained to experience their good.
His Power is my power, and His Love is mine to distribute in my world. My riches are of the mind and spirit, and they demonstrate for me all that I need or shall ever want. I refute all belief that I cannot afford the best. His desire for me is my everlasting good. I accept prosperity. I accept money as God in action. I accept myself as prosperity.
I saturate my mind with God’s prosperous ideas, and give them full authority in my thinking to act through me. I know that I subjectively accept them, and that the law of mind has already moved into action, and their appearance is immediate. Today I live in abundance, for God supports me in every way. I appreciate the action of prosperity in all my affairs.
Taken from “Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker