He maketh me to lie down in green pastures
Psalm 23:2
My present world is heaven, for my thought is centered on God. I am already in my good, and I now search for my present world and find it. On every side the blessings of Almighty God are awaiting my recognition. They crowd upon me with their infinite possibilities of Love, Joy and Growth. I find them in every moment of this day. I see them in the face of every friend, co-worker and stranger. God appears to me through my church, my home and my loved ones.
God’s Presence in me looks out through my eyes and sees His own Glory about me. My world is alive with beauty, for Love is established on every hand. Nothing but good surrounds me; nothing but Spirit acts through me; and nothing but constructive words speak from me. My present experience is alive with God, and my future is secure, for only “green pastures” can be mine, now and forevermore.
I dwell in God’s perfect and complete creation. Nothing can be taken from it, and nothing can be added to it. All that I will ever need is where I am. All that I have sought is at hand. I gladly accept the Good, and I hold my thought in line to see It as It happens to me. I do not waver from my faith in God, and my faith in His promises of my present glory.
I love to love with the love of God. I love to live in a world of order. I love to let Divine ideas sustain me. God never fails me, and I never fail God. Today I am living in heaven, working with joy and sharing my good with each one I meet. I am enfolded in God, expressing God, for all is God.
Taken from “Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker