“The genius of man is a continuation of the power that made him and that has not done making him.”
I have faith in an unlimited God, my own unlimited possibility, and an unlimited world in which I function. I see all restriction as temporary negative experience which can be healed by my highest thought of God. Today, I am determined to live as a free agent of an unlimited Mind that knows only my possibility and is not interested in my own wrong beliefs. God wants me to express Him today. God has not finished creating, and His Plan for me unfolds with certainly and with precision. I let Mind be in me what It has planned to be, and my success is sure.
This twenty-four hours is my opportunity to prove the reality of Truth. At every moment the Mind of God leads me into my good. I am never forsaken, and never left alone. No human opinions can govern me, and no wrong decisions can be made. By my recognition of God as my own real Self, the One Presence actually controls my environment, and Divine Mind dominates my thinking. This negates all evil, and I am free to express perfect life. I behold myself as a successful outlet of Divine ideas and a joyous creator of lasting benefits. I think rightly of God, of myself and of my fellowman.
Today I am born afresh of the Spirit. No past beliefs hold me in bondage, for God in this day knows only the good of this day. His Mind in me holds no carry-overs from yesterday. My past mistakes are nullified, and I shall never again believe in two powers and their resultant disunity. I have one God, and that One is the power in me to produce for me what I select. I have good cheer, for I see nothing but good before me. Today is the day of victorious results bringing to pass greater demonstrations that I have ever known before. Prosperity of all kinds is mine because I let Divine Mind produce it for me.
Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker