Now is the son of man glorified, and God is glorified in him
John 13:31
The glory of the Lord is upon me, and I am a son of the Most High. I glorify God by thinking rightly and loving greatly. God glorifies me by becoming the thing I need at the instant I need it. I know no delay; for God’s instantaneous results are assured. My universe is redolent with beauty. My life is filled with good. My mind is saturated with Love and I see the face of God in every face I see. In the One Mind I think, and in me the One Mind prevails.
There isn’t God and man, there is only God as man, and I am that man now. God and I are one, and God is that one. As I willingly let go of fear, faith appears. As I willingly let go of the belief in duality, oneness appears. As I realize that God is my Father and I am His son, the Law establishes me in perfect results. I declare that I am the perfect creation of an unlimited God, and act to prove this statement.
I glory in the expanding Ideas which God delivers to my consciousness. He never fails to offer me something greater than that which has gone before. His Omniscience is within me, and I regulate all my thinking to Its standards and Its processes. Right thinking becomes natural to me, and right loving releases itself through me. The Divine Release through me is normal and easy.
I begin this day with the feeling that it will be good. God works in me and through me with ease. I know that good has been accomplished yesterday, and that even greater things are before me today. I give thanks for the good of my life, and I dedicate myself to the “greater works” which I shall do, and have started to do even today.
Taken from “ 365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker