“Ask and ye shall receive.” This is one of the most wonderful statements ever uttered. It implies that there is a Power which can and will honor your request. But it is only as you let go of the lesser that you can take hold of the greater, only as you drop confusion that you can entertain peace, only as you transcend doubt and fear that you can be lifted up to the hilltops of the inner Life. In asking, you must identify yourself with the greatness of the Spirit. Permit your consciousness, through faith, to rise to a greater and broader realization of that Divine Presence which is always delivering Itself to you.
Through the quiet contemplation of the Omniaction of Spirit, I learn to look quietly and calmly upon every false condition, seeing through it to the other side of the invisible Reality which molds, conditions and recreates all of my affairs after a more nearly Divine pattern.
I know that my word transmutes every energy into constructive action, producing health, harmony, happiness and success.
I maintain my position as a Divine Being here and now.
I know that in this consciousness of Reality is the supply for my every need – physical, mental or spiritual – and I accept that supply in deepest gratitude.
As I am filled with the Reality I permit It to flow into my world of thought and action, knowing that It brings peace, harmony and order all around me.
I have limitless faith in the unconquerable Presence, the perfect law, and Divine Action.
Taken from “Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker