…the darkness hideth not from thee… the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.
Psalm 139:12
To be effective, prayer must be affirmative, but it is not enough merely to affirm the presence of God. We must add to this realization the thought that Divine Intelligence is acting in and through us now. Prayer is not a wishful or wistful wishing, nor is it an escape from objective reality. To be lost merely in our prayers might terminate in an unconscious desire to escape the activities of life. Therefore we affirm that Divine Intelligence not only knows what to do, it impels us to act on Its knowing.
I am handing my life and affairs over to Divine Intelligence, to the Power that knows how to do anything. I am doing this in complete acceptance. Gratefully, and with deep peace, with complete conviction, I am receiving the All-good into my experience. I know there is nothing in me that can doubt either this Divine Goodness or the operation of Its Law in my affairs. I believe that everything necessary to the fulfillment of every good desire is now in full operation, that all the circumstances in my life are tending to bring it about.
If there is anything I ought to do about this I shall receive the impression to act. I shall receive guidance, and I shall be impelled to act intelligently. Therefore, I have a complete sense of ease and assurance. I look forward joyfully as I anticipate the good which is to come into my life. I believe that all who are now praying with me will receive the answer to their desires from the same source. My faith goes out to them even as their faith reaches back to me. For I believe that out of the great Good in which we all live there will surely come to each one of us an answer to their particular need.
Taken from “Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker