The eternal God is thy refuse, and underneath are the everlasting arms. Deuteronomy 33: 27
The everlasting arms suggest Divine protection, complete certainty, and the assurance that all is well with the soul. And how could it be otherwise since the spirit of man is God. Therefore, when we say that we are secure in the everlasting arms of God, we are realizing that our spirit, being one with His, and never separated from its Source, must be, and is, as secure as God. It is this inward sense of our union with the Whole that binds us back to the eternal Presence and gives us the joy of knowing that there is nothing to be afraid of, either out of the past, from the present, or in the future.
I am secure in the everlasting arms of God. I feel the Divine Presence in, around and through me, and all people. A great sense of calm and peace flows through my whole being, in confidence and in light. Realizing that there is no separation between the Spirit within me and the Spirit which God is, and knowing that there is but one Spirit, which is God-in-me and God-in-everything, I feel confidence and safety and security in that Presence which evermore wraps itself around me and flows through me. I am indeed secure today in the everlasting arms of good, of peace, of joy and of life. I am secure in the consciousness that today, and every day, I shall be guided and guarded and protected. And I am secure in the consciousness that all people are protected by the same Divine Presence, governed by the same Law of Good, and guided by the same Infinite love. I am one with all, both visible and Invisible; one with the seen and the Unseen; one with God and one with man. I bless this unity.
Taken from “Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker