Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God…
I John 3:1
It has been truly said that love is the loadstone of life, the treasure of earth and the highest gift of heaven. We all wish to feel that we are kept in the arms of love, protected by its shelter and warmed by its feeling. But someone might ask, “How do we really know that ‘the universe rests on the shoulders of love?’” The answer is more simple that it might appear. For instance, no one is ever harmed by love. The more love there is in one’s life, the better off he is; while the opposite to love, which is hate and dislike, can actually consume a person mentally and destroy his health physically. If, then, love tends to build up while the opposite tends to destroy, we may be certain that there is a universal Reality to it; that we actually are immersed in an Infinite Love as well as a Divine Wisdom. And we must learn to feel the presence of this Love and rely on it. Therefore, let each say to themselves, daily:
I am one with the Love of God. I am one in the Love of God with all people. My love goes out to everyone and I know that it is returned from everyone. Overlooking everything that might seem to deny this Divine beneficence, I trust that Infinite Love will guide and protect me in everything. And I counsel my own soul to show forth this love in such a manner that it shall embrace and warm the heart of humanity, bringing confidence and trust and faith and hope to everyone it touches. Daily I affirm that love governs all of humanity into pathways of peace and joy. Daily I affirm that love goes before and makes the way plain and happy. And daily I affirm that my own love is renewed and rekindled by that great and vast Love in which I am immersed, that Love which is God.
Taken from “Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker