“For all things proceed out this same spirit, which is differently named love, justice, temperance, in its different applications, just as the ocean receives different names on the several shores which it washes.”
God must act by means of me, for otherwise I have no purpose in life. I am; therefore that which caused me to be, must have a reason for my being. I have confidence that the Infinite Mind knew what It was doing as It released me into the world. I have a divine purpose and a spiritual reason for being. I am not an accident of fate, nor a victim of inheritance. I am a living soul equipped to display the attributes of God in my world. I have within me the potentials of greatness, yes, the glory of God as he acts through man. To me is given the Mind, Life and Love of God, and I accept my role in the Divine Plan.
I live, because God is life. I love, for within me is a Love greater than I have ever known. I am kind to others, because God in me knows their love, their integrity and their hopes. I have at the center of my being all the Mind of Truth. His Ideas are mine, and His Ways are my paths of peace. I know the real meaning of spiritual justice. I judge no man by his outer actions. I judge only righteous judgment. God is man in his own real self, and though his outer actions may camouflage this, it still remains true. I behold the Truth in every person. I see God in every face.
To live in the Presence is to live always in balance. I have true temperance, for I am guided by a Wisdom that always guides me rightly. I indulge in the good, and fast from all evil. I find my every hunger and thirst satisfied by an inner manna of the Spirit. I live with wisdom, and allow my fellowman to do the same. I have the spiritual intelligence to perceive the difference between temperance and intolerance. I live and let live. I love and let love happen. I have faith in my concept of Truth, and respect my fellowman’s concept as well. I live in God, and I express His love, justice and temperance.
Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker