“Mind is the only reality of which men and all other natures are better or worse reflectors.”
The natural state of all life is health. Life is so organized that under normal circumstances It must be health. Left to Its own devices the action of God in man maintains him in health. Therefore, I let the Divine be in me what It planned to be, and my health is automatic. I remove every mental and emotional obstruction to the already perfect Intelligence governing my body. I am a spiritual being, operating through consciousness and experiencing body. My body cannot make me ill, for Mind alone is cause. I rejoice in my victory over disease.
I refuse to believe that I am the victim of any situation. The Divine in me is always in full charge of my experience, and the power of God is greater than the power of disease. His Mind in me knows only perfect action and perfect results. I join with God in the knowledge of perfect man, perfect life and perfect health. I erase from my own subconscious any pattern, idea or belief that is contrary to God. I know that deep within me is the cleaning action of Spirit, and my soul is delivered of all evil. I am healed by the perfect thought of the Divine Mind.
My consciousness is alerted to Truth. My body responds to health. Today, I shall have all the energy, vitality and strength I shall need to accomplish without strain. I shall have power at every moment. I shall have wisdom in every decision. God can never desert me, and His indwelling action shall maintain me in ease of body and clarity of thought. His Mind is my mind now. I am strong, fearless and creative. I have nothing to fear, and no evil to anticipate. The radiant eternal health of God is in every cell of my body and the One Mind maintains this health in me today.
Taken from “Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker