“Teach men that each generation begins the world afresh, in perfect freedom; that the present is not the prisoner of the past, but that today holds captive all the yesterdays, to judge, to accept, to reject their teachings, as they are shown by its own morning sun.”
The Infinite Mind being eternal is not concerned with past, present nor future. It knows me as a timeless being. It offers to me all that It is, and never frowns at my lack of acceptance. In a timeless God I allow my human thinking to become aged by experience, and then my complaints are many, and my excuses are profuse. I use the past to explain the limitations of the present, and I fail to realize that only my acceptance of the past gives it power. I now free my thinking from all past patterns and step forth this day as a new creature in Christ. Too long have my alibis ensnared me. They are as nothing when I declare the Truth.
I am of God’s generation. My habitation is eternity, and my continuity is beyond question. Time is my own measurement, and God knows only the Now. I accept myself as free from the past, creative in the present and rejoicing in the future. I inherit the ideas of God, and I dispense them with order and efficiency. Fresh impulses come to me, and new experiences unfold before me. God’s man is never of the past, for God knows no past. God’s man is the man of the hour, the moment, the split second. I am that man now. Unconditioned by disease, I am health. The world does not determine my prosperity, I alone determine it. God is all that I am.
The sun of Truth shines in my world and reveals the good that is at hand. Gone are all false leanings on family, heritage and background. I am today what I am because of my consciousness. Background is merely a record, it is never a fact. Born of the Spirit, I am the Spirit and no man can convince me otherwise. I rejoice in the Now and live in the present, finding God in every moment.
Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker