Do all things without murmurings and disputing.
Philippians 2:14
The Will of God is that man should be perfect. No longer do I think with reluctance that His Will may mean my failure to demonstrate what I want. I know that all of God is for me, and all of Mind moves through me. What I decide will happen, as long as it is good and will harm no other person. There is a Divine Purpose to my life. My creation was not an accident. It was the fulfillment of a Plan and a Design. Mind could only know a perfect Idea, and so His will for me is a perfect life here and now. Letting go of all visible evidence to the contrary, I accept this. God’s Will is done in me, and the world is richer because I am.
perfect. No longer do I think withreluctance that His Will may mean my failure to demonstrate what I want. I know that all of God is for me, and all ofMind moves through me. What I decidewill happen, as long as it is good and will harm no other person. There is a Divine Purpose to my life. My creation was not an accident. It was the fulfillment of a Plan and aDesign. Mind could only know a perfectIdea, and so His will for me is a perfect life here and now. Letting go of all visible evidence to the contrary,I accept this. God’s Will is done in me,and the world is richer because I am.
The Will of God moves in me to accomplish my heart’s desire. Without stint It offers me the full expression of life. To me It gives every hope, every vision, and every right desire. Out of the abundance of Love It merely asks that I accept life and use it aright. Letting this Divine Design control my thinking, I find the good of the world at my hand. I am able to clasp that which I seek, and experience that which I have wanted. His Will for me is wonderful, and I glory in it. I am the Son which the Father intended I should be. I am life, love and wisdom. I am the fulfillment of God’s Idea and the furtherance of His Plan for all humanity. As I evolve spiritually, the whole human family benefits.
His Will is done in me, and my permanent peace envelopes me. It breathes through my consciousness bringing new and great ideas to pass. In this deep abiding security I know my own Christ self. I rest from all struggle, and let His Action do the work. My hopes become possibilities, and my dreams unfold into facts. Life becomes glorious, and I do all things with ease. I expect the good to happen, and the true to appear. Mind thinks through me, Love controls me, and I am the active expression of God. This complete oneness with Spirit absorbs my whole attention, and my world is saturated with God. This is the Will of the Father for the Son, and I am that Son now.
Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker