Let this mind be in you, which was in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 2:5
“He that sent me is with me.” The action of God in me is the Christ of my being, and on this Christmas Day, I pay tribute to Jesus who is the world’s greatest example of God’s action through man. Two thousand years have passed since a Larger Light came into the world and told man of his spiritual freedom to accomplish his heart’s desires. These years have not been in vain for gradually man has come to larger understanding of God and of his own Christ Self. I now dedicate and consecrate myself to the teachings of the man of Nazareth.
On this Christmas Day I let Christ rule my heart, mind and affairs. I see the new birth of Love in all people and in all events. All the Beauty of Christmas is mine to behold. All the Love of Christmas is given unto me. Each card and each gift brings me love, and they bless me with the knowledge of my own birth of Truth. I shall be like Mary and Joseph and watch carefully over this new inner dawning of true Life.
I make of my mind a stable and welcome the Christ Idea of perfect spiritual man. I give the gifts of my attention, my love and my substance to this Idea born within me. I am open to the Divine this day. I let God be born into my thinking and feeling. I share this birth to a higher understanding with all people everywhere. I revere the memory of Jesus, and let His teachings be in me a Light unto my world, and others seeing my good works shall find the Light of Truth within themselves. This is the day of Christ, the day of Truth, the day of a birth into greater Good.
Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker