I have no tact except the exercise of gentleness.
Oracle of Sumiyoshu
Harmony is the automatic action of Spirit, and in me this action now manifests. The universe is order, harmony and peace. Despite my present affairs, I now acknowledge this, and act from this premise. If the sun never fails to shine, the tide to rise and fall in the sea, then neither can my few matters be disturbed nor upset. God’s universal Law of Order is now in me, through me and around me. It is my peace of mind; it is the order in all things I do. Having this peace, I now share it with others. My whole mental atmosphere is radiant with peace. My home, my office and my entire environment are bathed in it. This peace, born of God, is infectious and my fellowman receives it.
I have a poised, balanced mind in a poised balanced body. God’s eternal harmony and order are mine, and I let them express through me. My family and co-workers sense this and are healed by this. Peace flowing out from me heals everyone I contact. It is a subtle, soothing balm to all their fears and doubts. They feel better for having spoken to me or clasped my hand. Every room I enter is alive with Divine Harmony and Order. God’s Presence is made alive by the Truth I know and the Love I emanate. Power flows to the weak, positive conclusions flow to the uncertain, and God’s omnipotence is made visible. The whole Spirit of God in every man is quickened into right action.
I walk this day as a Divine Creation. Nothing in me can confuse, for God alone is the center of my thinking. My Divinity is obvious, my peace blesses all. Life flows easily, and all things work together for good. Radiating peace, I am a blessing to all and a problem to none. A warm welcome awaits me where ever I go. Joy greets me in every face, and co-operation appears everywhere. I see nothing but peace as I look at the people around me. They too, are centered and grounded in the one universal order and harmony of God. Sensing the eternal good, my friends join with me in silently acknowledging it. We are all of One Mind now, and together we bring peace to all who are hurt and confused. This is my job this day.
Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker