The virtuous, excellent man cheerfully attains the state of the gods.
Uttaradhyayana Sutra 7.21
Money is God’s means of giving me ease and freedom. It is the symbol of the Divine Supply forever maintaining me in comfort. I like money, and I appreciate the money I use. I like all people who have money, spend money and enjoy the use of money. I like the comfort and luxuries of life, and I believe God wants me to be happy and prosperous. I do not want another’s money, because God gives me the ability to earn my own. My earning capacity depends upon my consciousness, and I now have a prosperity consciousness. I receive money with appreciation, and I spend my money with wisdom. I know that God is my source and that more money flows in to fill my every need. Money is God in action.
I think in large and generous terms. Realizing my thinking determines my experience, I now let money appear in all possible ways. My faith determines my fortune. All of God offers Itself to me, and my financial ease is a part of God’s loving care of me. I rejoice when I pay my bills. I see each bill as an avenue for releasing abundance into a good channel. Everyone I owe has faith in me, and I am worthy of that faith. I pay my bills on time and with joy. I love to release the good which has come to me. Money is mine to use, but not to own. It circulates in my life with accuracy and ease. God’s money comes to me in order that I shall pay it out. Money is God’s ease in my life.
The universe supports me and maintains me in freedom, because God is the Source and Continuance of good. The Mind which created me sustains me. I use money for the Glory of God, and good of my fellowman and the ease of my own experience. I do not worship it, nor overevaluate it. I see it as a means if exchange. I have no fear of lack, for always God prospers an alert mind. Recognizing the spiritual value in money, it increases in my world. Money received and spent with wisdom is the circulation of ease for man. I have a right to this ease, and I claim it. The things that money can buy will make my life richer and easier. I know my spiritual responsibility for the right use of money. Money is God’s way of making my life free.
Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker
The virtuous, excellent man cheerfully attains the state of the gods.
Uttaradhyayana Sutra 7.21
Money is God’s means of giving me ease and freedom. It is the symbol of the Divine Supply forever maintaining me in comfort. I like money, and I appreciate the money I use. I like all people who have money, spend money and enjoy the use of money. I like the comfort and luxuries of life, and I believe God wants me to be happy and prosperous. I do not want another’s money, because God gives me the ability to earn my own. My earning capacity depends upon my consciousness, and I now have a prosperity consciousness. I receive money with appreciation, and I spend my money with wisdom. I know that God is my source and that more money flows in to fill my every need. Money is God in action.
I think in large and generous terms. Realizing my thinking determines my experience, I now let money appear in all possible ways. My faith determines my fortune. All of God offers Itself to me, and my financial ease is a part of God’s loving care of me. I rejoice when I pay my bills. I see each bill as an avenue for releasing abundance into a good channel. Everyone I owe has faith in me, and I am worthy of that faith. I pay my bills on time and with joy. I love to release the good which has come to me. Money is mine to use, but not to own. It circulates in my life with accuracy and ease. God’s money comes to me in order that I shall pay it out. Money is God’s ease in my life.
The universe supports me and maintains me in freedom, because God is the Source and Continuance of good. The Mind which created me sustains me. I use money for the Glory of God, and good of my fellowman and the ease of my own experience. I do not worship it, nor overevaluate it. I see it as a means if exchange. I have no fear of lack, for always God prospers an alert mind. Recognizing the spiritual value in money, it increases in my world. Money received and spent with wisdom is the circulation of ease for man. I have a right to this ease, and I claim it. The things that money can buy will make my life richer and easier. I know my spiritual responsibility for the right use of money. Money is God’s way of making my life free.
Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker
The virtuous, excellent man cheerfully attains the state of the gods.
Uttaradhyayana Sutra 7.21
Money is God’s means of giving me ease and freedom. It is the symbol of the Divine Supply forever maintaining me in comfort. I like money, and I appreciate the money I use. I like all people who have money, spend money and enjoy the use of money. I like the comfort and luxuries of life, and I believe God wants me to be happy and prosperous. I do not want another’s money, because God gives me the ability to earn my own. My earning capacity depends upon my consciousness, and I now have a prosperity consciousness. I receive money with appreciation, and I spend my money with wisdom. I know that God is my source and that more money flows in to fill my every need. Money is God in action.
I think in large and generous terms. Realizing my thinking determines my experience, I now let money appear in all possible ways. My faith determines my fortune. All of God offers Itself to me, and my financial ease is a part of God’s loving care of me. I rejoice when I pay my bills. I see each bill as an avenue for releasing abundance into a good channel. Everyone I owe has faith in me, and I am worthy of that faith. I pay my bills on time and with joy. I love to release the good which has come to me. Money is mine to use, but not to own. It circulates in my life with accuracy and ease. God’s money comes to me in order that I shall pay it out. Money is God’s ease in my life.
The universe supports me and maintains me in freedom, because God is the Source and Continuance of good. The Mind which created me sustains me. I use money for the Glory of God, and good of my fellowman and the ease of my own experience. I do not worship it, nor overevaluate it. I see it as a means if exchange. I have no fear of lack, for always God prospers an alert mind. Recognizing the spiritual value in money, it increases in my world. Money received and spent with wisdom is the circulation of ease for man. I have a right to this ease, and I claim it. The things that money can buy will make my life richer and easier. I know my spiritual responsibility for the right use of money. Money is God’s way of making my life free.
Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker