Thine, O Lord is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty.
I Chronicles 29:11
God known is power revealed. The unlimited power of the Creative mind is mine to use for the increase of blessings in my world. Such use will harm no one, and will make me a finer person, a greater instrument of the Almighty. By my right use of the One Power I shall become what I ought to be. I know that only through my Spirit can this power be used in right ways. I am weary of the destruction and turmoil in my life. I now affirm that I use the power of God for right and intelligent purposes. I say farewell to all mistakes. I am power, for He who made me dwells in me as power. Using this power with wisdom and with divine direction, I cause good to appear on every hand.
The Divine Power rightly employed by me gives me joy in living. I know that my burdens are merely indications of my refusal to let God act through me. All weariness with everyday struggles is now dissolved, for I release the One Power with Definite intent. I know what I am doing, and I know how to do it. No pressures, no demands, just the right releasement of His Spirit within me in creative ways. This is easy to do, and I love to do it. As I see ideas unfold through the Law into new and better conditions, I stand still and praise the power of Truth. Seeing my demonstration completed makes glad my heart. Infinite Mind knows me as a clear channel for its operation, and power unlimited gives itself to me. Life is wonderful.
Being the only power, there are no obstructions to its purposes. Even I cannot block the Power of God. It uses me as Its vehicle of distribution, and I accept the responsibility of this Birthright. My thought determines the use I make of God’s Power. My consciousness determines my experience. I now decide to use power rightly. I now create a new heaven and a new earth for myself. I give strength and power to all. I act as power in my world. I change whatever needs to be changed. God in me as power demands my right use of it, and this I do willingly. I accept my responsibilities and I live with joyous ease because I use power rightly.
Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker