Aug 18 2015The future is bright with promise, but only in this day can the Infinite Spirit reveal Itself to man.  God at this moment is the reality of this moment.  I have faith in the future, but I must act wisely in the present.  My right and loving action in this day is my spiritual insurance for tomorrow.  God is forever the same; so all of God is where I am and is now available to me.  I start bringing to pass my hopes of the future by acting upon them today.  God’s Idea of me includes my success right now.  If God does not procrastinate, then I shall no longer do so.  My demonstrations of Truth are now taking place, and I rejoice in their appearance.

Today the unlimited health of God is mine.  Today the unlimited abundance of God is mine.  Today the unlimited love and peace of God are mine.  These I affirm as present facts, and I expect immediate results.  I dismiss all belief that it takes time to accomplish what I want to do.  I know that Mind acts through my consciousness as I determine It shall act. I have decided that God’s action is mine now, and my demonstration is not only in process – it is now completed.  I accept with thanksgiving the full demonstration of my heart’s desire.

Jesus healed instantly those who came to him.  He fed thousands in a few minutes.  The mind that acted through him acts through me, with the same abilities.  Knowing this, desired experiences follow.  Affirming this, results appear on every hand.  Each moment is filled with expectancy, for my faith is complete; and all impediments in my thought are now removed.  Heaven is where I am, and evil does not exist.  I have what I want, and I am that person God wants me to be.

Taken from “Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker

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