Aug 12 2015The omnipotence of God forever surrounds and maintains man.  All power is instantly available, at every point in space and in every instant of time.  As man knows this, all fear is erased from his consciousness.  I join with all who know God as the only Power and Presence in their lives.  I have absolute faith in the goodness of life and the indestructibility of Spirit.  God in me is my resource, and nothing can harm me.  I know that I am the cause of my experience, and I erase fear from my mind, and evil cannot appear in my world.  Love attends me wherever I go.  Peace envelopes me at every moment, and God will never leave me comfortless.

I rejoice that my knowledge of good has destroyed my belief in evil.  The more I know of God, the less I can create or experience difficulties.  I steadfastly watch my thought, and eliminate every suspicion of fear and negation.  Through the doors of my mind only good ideas pass, and only righteous judgments issue.  Good is my experience, now and forevermore.  I have complete security because I keep my consciousness free from false conclusions about evil.  I know that no evil can happen to me unless it happens through me, and that I will not allow.  I consecrate my consciousness to Truth, and thereby think the Truth and experience the Truth.  Evil is not the Truth, and has no place in me or my affairs.

The endless possibilities of Life are before me, and nothing can prevent my full spiritual development.  I know that I am growing in spiritual wisdom and in factual demonstration.  Every victory over evil increases my realization of its lack of power and authority in my life.  I am the victorious creation of God, and I triumph in all my ways.

Taken from “Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker

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