Try constantly to keep the mind steady, remain in solitude, with mind and body free from desires and possessions.
The Bhagavad-Gita
The universe is always orderly, and my life in it should be one of order, harmony and peace. This I now accept as truth. Henceforth, no situation shall confuse me, for I will not accept confusion. My mind, and only my mind, determines the appearance, the continuity and the end of confusion. I know that I can think in terms of order, and that all ideas do unfold with order and ease. I am determined to live in peace this day.
My consciousness is at peace, for it is now rooted and grounded in God. All my thinking is premised on God’s ideas. Only good appears in my world, and all my reactions are now dedicated to good. There is nothing in me to cause confusion, or to accept confusion from others. I know that my thought determines my experience, and I now think rightly and lovingly about myself, my world and my fellowman.
My faith is great. My peace is complete. I see a Divine Order and a Divine Pattern in all situations. I behold myself living with ease and in harmony with God and with man. People react to me in orderly ways. Every situation is a blessing to me and increases my good. I move forward into larger experiences of prosperity, because my mind is clear and my goal is in sight. No longer can the world tell me what to do. I am poised and established in the One Mind, and nothing can disturb the calm peace of my soul. I declare peace, and peace is mine, for God responds to me as I think His way. I assume that my world, in all its ways, is filled with right action. I live in faith and I demonstrate order with ease.
Taken from “ 365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker