And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Psalm 23:6
I live in an expanding universe that is potent with Divine possibilities. On every hand the presence of God is beckoning to me, inviting my growth. Truly, I dwell in the house of the Lord today. There is nothing to hold me back, for His Mind in me presses me forward into larger living and greater thinking. I steadfastly increase my awareness of God in my present world. Right here and now I make my demonstration. I joyously accept an expanding, unfolding life of true service to God and to my fellowman.
I live in an evolving universe that bids me grow in the ways of the Spirit. God is seeking to make me a greater person, and a more useful citizen of His good heaven on earth. I seek out larger Ideas of Truth. I keep the windows of my soul open to new and fresh ways of knowing Truth. I evolve into that “image and likeness” which is already my inner Pattern. I let go of the “little” to accept the “more.” I grow in wisdom, in spiritual stature, in favor with God and with man.
Where I am, I shall make my demonstration of Truth. I no longer wait for the future to solve my problems. Today, I live in Omnipresence, and right now my good is at hand. What I seek is seeking me. The Idea I need is now in my consciousness, and the Law of Mind is producing it. I relax and realize that today is good, tomorrow will be better, and each day is God’s day.
I live in a loving universe, where God’s friendliness is on every hand. Divine Love enfolds me and flows from me. I love the Love of God in everyone I know. I am loved by the Love of God in everyone I know. I dwell in Love this day.
Taken from “Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker