What is Worshiping In Color?
Worshiping In Color is our annual New Thought Revival Worship Experience, where we bring together spiritual communities in Los Angeles for a love fellowship. It’s a special worship service where we celebrate our divinity in word and song. This year we’re turning this “New Thought Revival” into a 2-day event weekend. Saturday, we have a special prayer breakfast planned for church leaders, followed by a powerful youth and adult all-day conference title, Live the Impossible Dream. We wrap out the experience on Sunday, where we all come together for a worship service. Our theme for the weekend is Let’s Dream Together: Strengthening New Thought in Los Angeles.
Our guest minister this year is Reverend Dr. Derrick B. Wells, Senior Minister of Christ Universal Temple, Chicago, IL.
Saturday – Prayer breakfast (8 a.m.) and Live the Impossible Dream All-Day Conference (9:45 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
Sunday – Worship with us from 1-3 p.m.