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The Infinite Power to Be Rich
Do you have a pressing need is for money, and are seeking to claim the riches life has in store for you? Do you who want immediate results and are willing to put into application some simple down-to-earth techniques? Then this class is for you.
Study and take action and you will open the way for yourself in grander, finer, happier, richer, and nobler living.
Date: Sundays at 1 p.m. Pacific beginning June 23, 2024
Teacher: Rev. John Downey, III
Required Text: The Infinite Power to be Rich by Joseph Murphy. Available on Amazon.
Bible 6: New Testament Metaphysical, Part 2
Learn the tools and techniques to find the deeper meaning in the scripture in this hands-on metaphysical Bible study course. We will cover the metaphysical teachings of Jesus, and focus on Acts through Revelation.
Date: Tuesdays at 6 p.m. Pacific beginning June 25, 2024
Teacher: Rev. Sheree Thompson
Required Text: Be Ye Transformed by Elizabeth Sand Turner; Book can be purchased on Amazon.
Supplemental texts: Metaphysical Bible Dictionary by Charles Fillmore; and Revealing Word by Charles Fillmore
The Dynamic Laws of Prayer
Are you ready to uncover the dynamic laws of prayer? Prayer deals primarily with the states of mind and laws of mental activity that rule your world. Prayer changes your mentality; it first changes your thinking as it calms, uplifts and renews you. This is one of the purposes of prayer — to change your thinking, which in turn changes your world. Unlock these laws in this powerful class.
Date: Saturdays at 9 a.m. Pacific beginning June 29, 2024
Teacher: Angela Jones
Required Text: Dynamic Laws of Prayer by Catherine Ponder – The book can be purchased on Amazon.