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Week 7: Adventure in Faith – Move Into Your Promised Land


Joshua 6:24 They burned down the city and everything in it. But the silver and gold and the objects of copper and iron were deposited in the treasury of the house of the LORD.

Sermon Title: Divine Substance is Your Supply

Sermon Notes

Financial Unfoldment – In the unfoldment of financial abundance, all that does not align with Spirit must be destroyed.

Scripture – Joshua 6:24
They burned down the city and everything in it. But the silver and gold and the objects of copper and iron were deposited in the treasury of the house of the LORD.

Your vision comes with provision.

Divine radiant substance is your supply. Substance is the spiritual essence out of which all things are made. It is visible and comprehensible to your spiritual eye, but not to your natural eye (what you pick up using only your five senses).

Success Mindset
Take a deep breath
Put on blinders
Tune out the noise
Take your supply

Affirmation: The rich substance of the kingdom of God is pouring its plenty perpetually into my mind and affairs, and I am in all ways prospered.

The Covenant

I am ready for my Adventure in Faith.
I see the divine opportunity designed just for me and I wholeheartedly say YES GOD!
I am strong – I will withstand the temptation to dream small or stay the same.
I am courageous – I travel as the power, love and life of God.
I have no reason to fear.


I think thoughts, feel feelings and speak words that reflect my promise being fulfilled.
I live in a state of perpetual gratitude.
I move on UP!
I Move Into My Promised Land Now!

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2 thoughts on “Sunday Worship Experience – October 24, 2021

  1. Recently moved to L.A. and look forward to attending service in person soon, after following sermons on youtube for years!! Thank you for your work.

    1. Hi Kris, our services are still virtual. However, we host monthly in-person gatherings. Will you send us your email and phone number (upchurch@upchurch.org) so that we can add you to our mailing list for notification of events? We notify people via email, phone and text. I look forward to meeting you! Rev. Sherri

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