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Conquering the Seven Deadly Sins
Sermon Title
The Object of My Desire
Guiding Scripture
Proverbs 20:21 An inheritance claimed too soon will not be blessed at the end.
Sermon Points
WHAT IS “SIN”? Our English word “sin” is a translation of the Greek word: “hamartia”, which means “missing the mark” or “off the mark” or “wander off the path of uprightness and honour”
“Sin” or “missing the mark” is not a personality trait, character trait, or identity
“Sin” can be “easily corrected in the mind” (ACIM)
Take your focus off of greed
Principle: What you focus on expands
Principle: What you resist, persists.
WHAT IS GREED/AVARICE? Definition – Greed (Webster’s) a selfish and excessive desire for more of something (such as money) than is needed
Definition – Avarice (Webster’s) excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain
Greed/Avarice is a manifestation of an unhealthy relationship with and understanding of DESIRE
The remedy to greed and avarice is HEALTHY DESIRE!
What is the object of your desire?
WHAT IS DESIRE? Desire is ‘the starting point of all achievement”
DESIRE IS LIKE A FIRE It’s like the wood and fire of a campfire It’s like the burners on your stove
HEALTHY DESIRE Healthy desire leads to healthy outcomes that benefit all.