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TITLE: Get Out the Gutter
“God can’t lift you out of the gutter. For your in-the-gutter experience is your self-definition at this time. But you can get out of the gutter when you begin to think out-of-the-gutter thoughts.” Page 49
THESIS: ”Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2
Highlights from the Text
“Prayer is an experience of our own self-potential.” Page 23
“Prayer works according to and within your own consciousness.” Page 53
“We do not really pray to God, rather we pray from a consciousness of God.” Page 53
Cosmic Counterpart: “There is a whole of you that is present in the energy field that you are, even in a partial expression of you. There is an allness even within illness, an all-sufficiency in any seeming insufficiency.” Page 48
“God is in you as the ocean is in a wave. The wave is nothing more nor less than the ocean expressing as a wave.” Page 22