Behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
Luke 17:21
The wisest man who ever lived said there is a truth which can set you free from fear, want, unhappiness and finally death itself. He said that this truth is already within you. Suppose you accept this spiritual wisdom, since the one who gave it was able to prove his claims. Don’t you think that this great and glorious person was telling you that the kingdom of your good is here today?
Now, this means that evil, no matter what face it wears, or what form it takes, or how many people believe it, is never a thing in itself. Jesus did not say that evil has no reality as an experience. He did say that you should not judge according to appearances. He said that you are to live as though the Kingdom were already yours. No matter what the negation of yesterday may have been, your affirmations of today may rise triumphant over them. Cease weeping over the mistakes of yesterday and steadfastly beholding the face of the great and divine Reality, walk in that Light wherein there is no darkness. Say:
I know that every negative condition of the past is swept aside.
I refuse to see it or to think about it.
Yesterday is no longer here; tomorrow has not yet arrived.
Today is God’s day.
God’s day is my day.
Today, bright with hope and filled with promise, is mine.
I am alive, awake and aware – today.