God so loved the world, that he gave … John 3:16
How could we better explain this than to use the words of Browning where he said: “Tis Thou, God, who giveth, ‘tis I who receive”? Or Emerson who said that we are “beneficiaries of the Divine fact”? The thoughts of both Emerson and Browning were thoughts of acceptance and recognition. Like all men of great spiritual insight, they knew that the gift of Life is an eternal reality, that it is our office to accept it.
“God so loved the world that he gave …” Today I accept this gift of Divine Love which God has eternally given to me and to everyone. With deep gratitude and a childlike simplicity I enter into the joy and the peace which come from the realization of Divine guidance. I know that Love guides my thoughts even as It guards my life and action. I know that the Eternal Presence is really embracing everything. In this Presence I serenely and confidently rest, placing all my hope and aspiration in Its loving care. In this Love I embrace the world and affirm that peace shall come on earth and good will among men.
I also realize that I belong to the universe in which I live, and it belongs to me. It is the gift of God. I am one with everyone I shall ever meet, and they are one with me. For we all are manifestations of the one Divine Presence.
Gratefully acknowledging and gladly receiving this benediction from heaven, I live and love and accept Life in its fullness. “God so loved … that he gave …” I accept the gift.
Taken from “Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker