For I delight in the law of God, after the inward man: Romans 7: 22
This scriptural passage tells us of all that we should have delight in living. All creation is a manifestation of the delight of God – God seeing Himself in form, God experiencing Himself in His own actions, and God knowing Himself in us as us. For the highest God and the innermost God is one God, and not two. But the passage also suggests that in addition to delight, the enjoyment of realizing that we are alive and awake and aware, we are also subject to the exact law that must govern everything – the Law of the Lord that is perfect. We are, then, to combine our idea of delight with the concept of law, for Love and Law are the two great realities of life – Love as the outpouring of the Spirit; Law as Divine Government. Let us, then, find delight in the Law of the Lord which is perfect, as we say daily to ourselves:
I am one with the Infinite Spirit of Love, one with the outpouring of the Divine Life. I am governed by the perfect Law of the inward man, made in the image and likeness of That which is pure, whole and perfect. My whole life finds its impulsion in Love and all my actions are governed by the Law of Good. As I meditate upon this perfect Law of God, I realize that it is operating in my affairs, in my body, in my mind and in my spirit. I know that the Law of Good is absolute; it is complete; it is operating in and through me now, bringing about everything that is good, everything that is right, everything that is happy. And since this Law must be perfect as well as exact, and since it must know how to bring everything about that is necessary to my good, I place my whole trust in it. And so I say today, and every day: The perfect Law of Good is governing everything I think or do and all my relationships with others. I delight in this Law and I delight in the Divinity within myself and all people.
Taken from “ 365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker