And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever. John 14;16
Communion with the Spirit is one of the greatest privileges of life. By communion with God we do not mean telling the Infinite what to do or how to do it, for that is talking at God rather than communing with Him. By communion we mean silently entering into Divine harmony and beauty until we feel that harmony and beauty in our own souls, in our own minds. For instance, if one finds himself distraught and mentally upset, and he follows the simple practice of communing with peace, he will find that peace enters into him. He does this by dropping all confusion from his mind and thinking about peace; he dwells on its meaning and feels that he is breathing it into himself until it floods his whole being with harmony. This is real communion – not telling peace what it ought to do or be, but entering into its spirit, silently, quietly and alone. And so it is with love or joy or any other attribute of the Divine – we must commune by listening and feeling this Presence until the Presence is real to us. This is the very essence of communion.
God is my companion. It is impossible for me to be lonely or alone, for wherever I go the One Presence will accompany me. I have an Infinite Companion who goes with me wherever I go. I have partnership with the Infinite which is steady and strong and certain. This same Presence I feel in everyone else – the One Companion of all. I guided by this Presence, I am guarded by it; I am kept in the shadow of Its strength. I am fed by the bounty of Its love. I am guided by Its wisdom. This Presence is closer to me than my breath, nearer to me than my hands and feet. Therefore, I have no sense of aloneness, no feeling of isolation, because all the Presence there is, is my companion. In this companionship there is love and beauty, there is peace and joy, there is happiness and success, today and forever more.