“We are wiser than we know. If we will not interfere with our thought but will act entirely, or see how the thing stands in God, we know the particular thing, and every thing, and every man.”
I have faith that the Mind of God not only created this universe and man, but also forever maintains Its creation within Its own bosom, nurturing and furthering the perfect Plan and the Divine Concept. The Divine forever knows what to do and is forever doing it. Being all in all, It is never conditioned, never inhibited and never limited. I am the outlet of all that Mind is, and I am always in the Presence and always using the Power of God. I cannot escape my divinity, try as I may. I cannot be a failure, for God will always win out in the long run. God uses me as His channel for good.
My best planned ideas will fail me if they are founded upon selfish principles. Each time I work for my personal gain and disregard others, I am interfering with Divine Action, and I merely punish myself. The Divine Order and law will always prevail, despite my human will. I cannot change God, but I can change myself. I now cease all interference with the Divine Plan of my life. I stop deciding long-range plans for the future. I accept the fact that I am wiser than I know. I am wise enough to let Life unfold in Its own way and for Its own purposes.
I respect my world, for in it I see the action of God taking place. I respect my fellowman for he was not made by himself, but God created him for a purpose. I respect myself and my own abilities, recognizing the Divine within that seeks to make me greater than I am at the moment. My consciousness turns with confidence to God, and His Ideas appear in me in perfect order and on time. Letting the Infinite Mind have Its full sway in my thinking makes life easy and right. I can never falter nor fail, for I am governed by Mind and by Mind alone. Divine Ideas impel me forward today, and I rejoice in my many demonstrations.
Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker