“The nameless Thought, the nameless Power, the super-personal Heart, – he shall repose alone on that. He needs only his own verdict. No good fame can help him; no bad fame can hurt him.” Emerson
There is but one infinite Mind, and It indwells me this day as the source of all life, all knowledge and all possible good. This Mind is also Love. It is a complete unity of all that ever has been, ever will be. I know myself as Its vehicle of operation, and It acts without hindrance through me. Not to the outer world do I look for help, but to the inner Source I turn for the full supply of every need. In this inner consciousness of security I am no longer impressed by material fears. All manner of evil may appear to assail me in my hectic world, but the peace within bids me to believe it not.
Divine Love maintains the calm of my being. It disciplines and balances my emotions. Anger and hysterics are impossible to experience, for within me there is nothing to cause them nor react to them. I face my world poised and at peace. I face the arguments of my fellowman with the clear understanding that they will not twist my judgment nor lead me to wrong conclusions. God’s Mind is the only basis of my decisions, and thus all my affairs must prosper. With love and intelligence as the foundation of my thinking, I do all things with ease and with efficiency. God’s action in me is wonderful.
I am independent of fame and slander. I am a Spiritual Being in a Spiritual Universe and only my estimate of myself is true. Others may proclaim my faults, outline my mistakes, and declare my weaknesses. Not one word of these is true. God in the midst of me cannot see evil, hear evil or speak evil about me not anyone else. Only that which is true of the Spirit is true of me. I know my Spiritual worth. I affirm my thought as the Divine Thought, and my heart as being of Him whose Heart is the heart of all. I am untouched by human opinions, and I offer none. God indwells me today as Mind and Love.