Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:48
There is a pattern of perfection at the center of everything. This the saints and sages of the ages have told us. There is, as the Platonists taught, a prototype of perfection at the center of every form. It is this spiritual prototype with which the mind should identify itself, for this is the Father in heaven within us. Nothing has ever violated the integrity of this inner kingdom. It exists forever in the bosom of God and we are in Him even as He is in us.
The most High is enthroned in my soul; the Divine Spirit exists at the center of my being. Knowing that Divine Power can accomplish anything and realizing that faith in this Divine Power draws it forth into my experience, today I exercise complete confidence in the Invisible. I permit that mind to be in me which was also in Christ Jesus.
Today I consciously identify myself with the Supreme Presence which inhabits eternity, and finds a dwelling place at the center of my own soul. By some deep inner spiritualization, I penetrate the mask of separation and discover the unity of all life. I identify myself with this unity, finding Christ within and knowing that “Christ is God’s.” I recognize my union with all the Power, all the Presence and all the Life that there is.
Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker