Jan 28 2015Though a host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.  Psalm 27: 1,3

When one cherishes no fear of anything, when one is not feared by anything, when one cherishes no desire, when one bears no hate, then is one said to have attained to the state of Brahma.  The Mahabharata

Holiness is the best of all good.  Happy, Happy the man who is holy with perfect holiness! … The will of the Lord is the law of holiness.  The Zend-Avesta

Fear is the only thing we shall be afraid of.  It is not the host encamped against us, nor the confusion of war around us, that we need to fear; it is a lack of confidence in the good which alone should cause concern.  Through inner spiritual vision we know that evil is transitory but good is permanent.  We know that right finally dissolves everything opposed to it.  In confidence, then, and with a calm sense of peace, we know that the truth never fails to win every issue.  The power of good is with us.  The Power of the Spirit is supreme over every antagonist.  Then we should cherish no fear, and when we neither fear nor hate we come to understand the unity of life, and then, our lesson tells us, we have attained to the state of Brahma (conscious union with God).  Thus the Zend-Avesta tells us that “holiness is the best of all good,” and it hastens to add that there is no difference between the Law of Holiness (Wholeness) and the Divine Will.  In other words, since the Nature of God is peace, then the Will of God is toward peace; since the Nature of God is love, then the Will of God is toward love – “Who knows not love, knows not God, for God is love.”

Today my heart is without fear.  I have implicit confidence in the good, the enduring and the true.  I enter into conscious union with the Spirit.  I am happy, whole and complete in my Divine Self.  Therefore, with joy I enter into the activities of the day and with confidence I look forward to tomorrow.

Taken from “Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker

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