I will instruct thee, and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go. Psalm 32:8
The accuracy of nature is apparent to all. The universe is an orderly system of intelligence, and we exist in it as orderly spiritual beings. Procrastination and delay are unknown to the divine Presence, and should be unknown to us. Time, spiritually understood, is an orderly method of living easily. Its sole value is measurement. Many people develop an unconscious resistance to time, and are habitually late for appointments. These same people usually find their demonstrations delayed, because they are in a consciousness of delay. If we are often late in our daily schedules, we can hardly expect the Law of Mind to deliver our demonstrations at the instant we think they should appear, because the Law can only deal with our own thought. Students of this teaching would do well to think deeply on this idea. Ideas appear on time. Nature is orderly and accurate. We can easily discipline ourselves to new habits of time which agree with God’s.
I live in the presence of God, where all is accurate, orderly and right. There is no delay in God’s response to me, as I now clear my thought of every belief of delay. I do whatever needs to be done on time and in order. I refuse to believe that I am under any pressures of time and space. Every idea I need appears in my consciousness on time and in right sequence. I see my watch as a friendly means of being prompt in every engagement this day. I arrive on time with ease and peace of mind. I am accurate, prompt and orderly in everything I do. As the Father in me doeth the work, it is easy and light. God is never late, Mind is always on time, and so am I.
Taken from “Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker