I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvelous works.
Psalm 9:1
The law of response is the law of praise. Whatever we bless increases, and whatever we curse decreases. The key to the use of this law is to watch our ideas and note the ones we are praising. This is easy to, as the ideas we talk about the most are the ones we are praising. Like all laws it is impersonal. When we constantly discuss disease, we are actually raising its power in our lives, and the law produces further illness and discomfort. Likewise, when we are not at our best physically, we can praise the health of God in our bodies, and the law will bring forth greater ease, vitality and strength. Those who are sick need to praise the Health of God within them to be healed. Those who are in perfect health should praise this same divine Health, as it will then be maintained and made permanent. Health is a part of our spiritual inheritance and we bless the One Mind for it.
I believe that God is the health of my body. I recognize this great spiritual Gift in every part of me. I have faith in Its healing, restoring, refreshing power. It fills me now with perfect life, energy and strength. I praise and bless this great inner action of God. I dedicate myself to the right use of this health. No fatigue, strain nor illness can touch me this day, for God is my perfect health. My work is easy, and my body responds to every action necessary to my work today. All is ease, comfort and joy. I respond to the health and vitality of my fellowman. All whom I contact are equally alive with God’s radiant health, for God is the health of His people.
Taken from “Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker