Activate Your God-Given Potential – Ignite POWER!

Power UP: Activate Your 12 Spiritual Powers
Text: Your God-Given Potential by Winifred Wilkinson Hausmann


Scriptures: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion…” Genesis 1:26

“The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own; but the Father who dwells in me does his works.” John 14:10



  • Controlling other people
  • Gained by force
  • Taken by force


  • An Idea in Divine Mind of Authority and Dominion
  • Dominion over thinking + Dominion over feeling
  • Energy
  • Your ability to produce, accomplish and, master
  • Demonstrated through change
  • Released by consciously speaking positive, powerful words of Truth.


Download your Soul Work

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Download the chapter on STRENGTH from Your God-Given Potential.

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Each day this week, spend at least 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening concentrating on Power. Starting with the level of “control,” use these positive, powerful affirmative thoughts to climb the ladder. Speak the words out loud, feeling the vibration of the words through the power center in your throat. With your inner vision, hold the picture of the radiant Christ light flowing from the top of your head through the faith center to be released as spiritual power from the larynx at the root of the tongue.

Location: The larynx at the root of the tongue

Disciple: Philip

Sunday affirmation: Control

Under God’s direction, I carefully choose my thoughts, words, and feelings.

Monday affirmation: Poise

As a child of God, I am spiritually poised in mind and body.

Tuesday affirmation: Accord

I live in harmony with all good in God’s universe.

Wednesday affirmation: Enduement (Receiving)

Through prayer and consecration, I prepare myself to receive spiritual power.

Thursday affirmation: Power

Spiritual energy now flows through my mind and body.

Friday affirmation: Dominion

All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

Saturday affirmation: Mastery

I am one with all power in the universe now.

Activate Your God Given Potential – POWER UP WISDOM

Power UP: Activate Your 12 Spiritual Powers
Text: Your God-Given Potential by Winifred Wilkinson Hausmann


Scripture: “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and in all thy getting get understanding.” (Proverbs 4:7)


Download your Soul Work

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Download the chapter on wisdom from Your God-Given Potential.

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Each day this week, spend at least 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening concentrating on the daily pier of Wisdom. Use the affirmation below during this meditation time and focus your attention the Wisdom center in your body.

Wisdom, the highest form of spiritual knowing, includes judgment, discrimination, intuition, and other activities of the mind that come under the heading of pure knowing. It is the voice of God within…mental action based on the Christ Truth within (p. 53).

Location: Wisdom resides in the pit of the stomach.

Disciple: James

Sunday affirmation: Unlearning

I joyously release false concepts of the past.

Monday affirmation: Learning

I conscientiously learn the Truth about God and me.

Tuesday affirmation: Acknowledgment

I wholeheartedly acknowledge and accept new ideas of Truth.

Wednesday affirmation: Reason

I enthusiastically expand my knowledge of the basic principles of Truth.

Thursday affirmation: Insight

I see past appearances to the Truth.

Friday affirmation: Wisdom

Through the light of the Christ in me, I know the Truth.

Saturday affirmation: Knowing

I am one with the all-knowing Mind of God.

Activate Your God-Given Potential – POWER UP LOVE!

Power UP: Activate Your 12 Spiritual Powers
Text: Your God-Given Potential by Winifred Wilkinson Hausmann


Scripture: John 17:23 “I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one…”
Goal: Build a bridge of love from where you are to a deeper place in God.

  • Pier 1: Interest — Give your interest to God and to finding God in our world.
  • Pier 2: Acquaintance — Let your increased interest lead to a deeper search for personal knowledge of Spirit through prayer.
  • Pier 3: Affection — Affection is the budding idea of love that survives closer acquaintance.
  • Pier 4: Attraction — The love power functions like a magnet, drawing us deeper and ever deeper into the mysterious activity of love.
  • Pier 5: Love — We are so in tune with love that we see good everywhere, even in appearances which seem to deny it.
  • Pier 6: Identification — We feel ourselves a part of God.
  • Pier 7: At-one-ment — We feel ourselves merge into the Great All. We move from having and doing to simply being.



Download your Soul Work

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Download the chapter on Faith from Your God-Given Potential.

[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”Your God Given Potential – LOVE ch 6.pdf” icon=”” plain=”yes” style=”download”]


Each day this week, spend at least 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening concentrating on one of the piers of Love. Use the daily affirmation below during your meditation time and focus your attention on the Love center in your body.

Love is the pure essence of Being that binds together the whole human family. It is an inner quality that sees good everywhere and in everybody. It insists that all is good, and by refusing to see anything but good it causes that quality to finally appear uppermost in itself, and in all things (p. 61, 63).

Location: The Love center in the body is in the heart.

Disciple: John

Sunday affirmation: Interest

Enthusiastically I seek to learn more about God.

Monday affirmation: Acquaintance

I seek out God in all persons, places, and circumstances.

Tuesday affirmation: Affection

A warm and happy feeling toward God is growing in my heart.

Wednesday affirmation: Attraction

Through the power of divine attraction, I am drawn ever closer to God.

Thursday affirmation: Love

I let God’s love flow through me every moment of every day.

Friday affirmation: Identification

I look with God’s eyes of love.

Saturday affirmation: At-one-ment

I am one with God, and God is perfect love.

Activate Your Spiritual Power – POWER UP FAITH!

Power UP: Activate Your 12 Spiritual Powers
Text: Your God-Given Potential by Winifred Wilkinson Hausmann


Scriptures: “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not act on them will be like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell—and great was its fall!” (Matthew 7:24-27)

  • Point #1 Faith is the quality in us which enables us to look past appearances of lack, limitation, or difficulty to take hold of the divine idea and believe in it, even though we do not see any evidence of it except in our minds. (Pg. 29)
  • Faith shapes substance according to the pattern we are holding in mind. (Pg. 29)
  • We can center the faculty of faith on our inner vision and our inner hearing, developing this faculty through prayer to know the potential God has given us. (Pg. 30)
  • To grow faith, you must first be willing to listen and learn. (Pg. 30)


Download your Soul Work

[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”Power UP Soul Work – FAITH revised.pdf” icon=”” plain=”yes” style=”download”]

Download the chapter on Faith from Your God-Given Potential.

[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”Your God Given Potential – Ch 3 Faith.pdf” icon=”” plain=”yes” style=”download”]


Each day this week, spend at least 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening concentrating on Faith. Use the affirmation below during this meditation time and focus your attention the Faith center in your body.

Faith is the quality in us which enables us to look past appearances of lack, limitation, or difficulty to take hold of the divine idea and believe in it, even though we do not see any evidence of it except in our minds. (pg. 29)

Location: The center of the head, between the eyes and ears.

Disciple: Peter

Sunday affirmation: Receptivity

I am receptive to divine ideas.

Monday affirmation: Assent

I accept the idea of my innate divinity.

Tuesday affirmation: Belief

I believe with all my thinking ability that I am God’s perfect child.

Wednesday affirmation: Trust

I trust God with all my heart.

Thursday affirmation: Faith

I act on the Faith that I am God’s perfect child.

Friday affirmation: Conviction

I identify with the all-conquering Truth that I am a spiritual being, living in a spiritual universe, governed by spiritual ideas.

Saturday affirmation: Realization

I am the Christ expression of Faith.