August 01, 2021 – I AM CAUSE NOT EFFECT

AUGUST 1       


Behold now, I have ordered my cause; I know that I shall be justified.

Job 13:18

God made man in His own image and likeness, and I am that man now.  God is the Creator of heaven and earth, so I am the creator of my own heaven and my own earth.  I stand in the midst of my own consciousness and assume control.  No longer am I acted upon by my world.  I now am cause to my world. I act in mind, and my world reacts in matter in direct response to my demand.  I am cause, not effect.  I am Spirit releasing Itself into form under freedom.  With my new sense of spiritual responsibility, I create in my experience blessings for myself and good for my fellowman.

Having taken my stand as the cause of my own experience, I know create the unique, the unusual and the different in my world.  God’s Ideas are always new Ideas.  They never repeat.  With my consciousness acting in its true place in the Divine Mind, all things are made new and fresh in my world.  Old patterns of routine and monotony are demolished, and a new mental structure of flexibility and ease is mine.  I let go of the past with joy.  I accept the responsibility of right thinking in the present, and I expect only new forms of good in the future.

I act upon the plastic substance of the universe with intelligence and authority.  My world cannot make me sick, poor or unhappy.  My world has no power or authority over me.  I tell it what to do, and it does it.  As I think the Ideas of God, heaven appears as my world.  Health, happiness and peace are mine today, because in my freedom to use God’s law of mind, I create them and rejoice in them.

July 30, 2021 – I HAVE JOY

JULY 30      


Sorrow is turned into joy before Him … Thou hast put gladness in my heart … Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing; Thou hast put off my sack cloth, and girded me with gladness. 

Job 41:22; Psalms 4:7; 30:11

We cannot conceive of the Spirit as sad or depressed.  There is ever a song at the center of everything.  This song is reflected in all nature, turning “mourning into dancing.”  To put off my sackcloth means turning to a complete reliance on the Divine.  To be girded with gladness means to cover ourselves with the threefold nature of good.  This is a symbol of Divine protection.  Turning the mind to God and recognizing the omnipresence of Love, causes us to rejoice, as we recognize that in Him (pure Spirit) we live, move and have our being.

I know that happiness is God’s will for me and for everyone.  I also know that I cannot gain happiness without giving it; therefore I do not expect to be happy unless I make others glad.  I radiate happiness to everyone.  There is a sense of joy at the center of my being which everyone will feel.  There is no insecurity in this happiness, no sense of impoverishment or fear, no feeling of doubt.

Today I turn from everything that depresses, and sing a song of praise, of gratitude and of joy.  I am going forth to meet joy, singing the song of the triumph of Spirit over all apparent negation.

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker

July 29, 2021 – I HAVE HEALTH



The Lord will take away from thee all sickness … I am the Lord that healeth thee. 

Deuteronomy 7:15; Exodus 15:26

Health is a state of wholeness in mind and in body.  The body is the servant of the mind, and the mind is the offspring of pure Spirit.  Thus the Bible tells us that we are spirit, soul (or mind) and body.  These three really are one, and are supposed to work in perfect unison with each other.  They do this when the mind lifts its countenance to the Spirit, permitting Its flow of harmony, unity and beauty a clear passageway.  The body will always reflect this inner poise.

Realizing that the Source of all being is within and at the center of my own being, I consciously unite myself with this center and with this Source.  I expect to be made whole.  I expect to radiate health and vitality wherever I go.  It is my will, my desire and my acceptance that I be made whole.

Today I know that my health, my physical well-being, as well as my mental poise and peace are drawn from an infinite Source of perfection.  Today I know that the Lord, the Law of Good, is the healing Presence of life forever restoring my mind and my physical being.  I pray to, or commune with, this Spirit within me.  Thus I am made whole.

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker

July 28.2021 – I GIVE THANKS



O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom.  Isaiah 25:1

Praise and thanksgiving are salutary.  They not only lighten the consciousness, lifting it out of sadness and depression; they elevate consciousness to a point of acceptance.  Praise and thanksgiving are really attitudes of recognition.. They are affirmations of the Divine Presence, the Divine abundance and the Divine givingness.  It is only when we live affirmatively that we are happy.  It is only when we recognize that the universe is built on affirmation that we can become happy.

I give thanks for my happiness.  It cannot be taken away from me; rather, it increases daily in my experience.  It is always more and never less.  I experience the joy in which Jesus proclaimed when he said, “I am come that they might have life, and have it more abundantly.” I bless everything I contact.  I praise God in all things.

Today, through praise and thanksgiving, I recognize the Divine Presence in everything.  In the midst of darkness I shall sing a song to the dawn, for I know that the eternal Light dissipates all darkness.  Today I shall recognize the beautiful and the perfect in everything.  I shall call it forth with praise and thanksgiving, blessing the Spiritual Reality back of all things.

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker

July 27, 2021 – I RECEIVE MY GOD



Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. 

Matthew 7:7

How can we receive what the mind refuses to entertain?  Should we not, then, consciously develop the ability to receive more?  We make life little and mean and limit our own possibilities when we refuse to accept the whole gift of God.  We should open our consciousness to a receptivity of the Divine.  There will never be any point of saturation because God is infinite.  We cannot contract the Infinite, but we can expand the finite.

“The word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart.”  Realizing that God has placed the power of life in my own mind, today I am resolved to use this power in accord with the nature of the Divine Mind.  I shall no longer look for God in some distant place, but shall find Him directly at the center of my own being.

Today I ask and know that I shall receive.  Today I seek and know that I shall find. Today I knock and know that shall be opened unto me.  But what is it that I ask for?  What is it that I really seek?  It is to discover God in everything, to see the Divine manifest in everyone, to come into close and conscious communion with Life.  Today, then, I receive the gift of God in its fullness, unstinted, complete.

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker

July 26, 2021 – I AM INTUITIVE

JULY 26   


Before they call I will answer; and while they are yet speaking I will hear. 

Isaiah 65:24

Intuition is not a product of the intellect nor is it something which developed in the process of our evolution.  It is a thing itself.  That which is instinct in the animal, blindly, unerringly leading it to food, water and shelter, becomes intuition in man, consciously perceived.  Instinct is intuition acting unconsciously; intuition is instinct elevated to the point of self-awareness.  They are identical.  Intuition is Omniscience acting omnipresently; therefore, whether or not we believe it, it is ever present with us.

Today I know that the presence of Divine Mind in me will guide me aright.  It will set me on the path of right action.  It will direct my footsteps.  It will counsel my mind.  Today I am aware that there is a light which dispels ignorance, fear, superstition and doubt, and sets me, safe and sane, on the pathway of Truth.

I feel that my being is so close to the Divine that there is no separation whatsoever.  “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.”  Knowing that I abide in the Spirit of truth and that the Spirit of Truth abides in me, today I open my whole consciousness to Divine Guidance.  I realize that my entire being is in the hands of a higher Power, that my thought is molded by the Divine Will, that my mind responds completely to the indwelling Presence which is God.  

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker

July 25, 2021 – I HAVE POWER



So God created man in his own image … And God blessed them and God said unto them … replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. 

Genesis 1:27 – 28

It is because the Spirit of God is incarnated in us that we have dominion over the world of effects.  This dominion is excised in such degree as we sense its true meaning. It is written that we have dominion over evil, not that we have dominion in or through evil.  Spiritual dominion is exercised only as we rise above that which denies the Divine Goodness.

Today I exercise my spiritual dominion through the recognition that good alone is real, that God is the only presence and Love and the only power.  Today I rise above the sense of separation into a consciousness of my union with Good.  Today I understand the power of God flows through me to everything I contact.

I declare that my God-given dominion is exercised over everything I do, say or think.  I am guided by Divine Intelligence which goes before me and makes perfect my way.  I exercise dominion over my environment, over every circumstance and condition that I contact.  I know that the Divine Mind, operating through me, will arrange all my affairs in harmony and in prosperity.  Divine Power flows into my thought and work. Peace and harmony attend everything I do.  Love and protection are ever present.  I am guided, guarded and sustained by an everlasting strength, power and wisdom.

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker


JULY 24 


I am a companion of them that fear thee, and of them that keep thy precepts.  Psalm 119:63

We all long for intimate relationships; we wish to feel that we are one with people.  This yearning, which every normal person has, emanates from an unconscious but spiritual perception that we all are one in Life itself. Where there is no sense of rejection there will be no loneliness.

I no longer reject myself.  Knowing that I am one with all people in the Spirit, I receive everyone as a friend.  I establish a close and intimate relationship with everyone I meet – something goes out from me and becomes unified with them.  I include all and exclude none.  Higher than all differences, is that union of the soul with its Source; beyond all differentiation, the Infinite Person is enshrined in the sanctuary of my own consciousness.  One with all people, I enjoy this Divine companionship.  I embrace the Infinite in everyone and in turn am embraced by It.

I know that my presence upholds and blesses everyone whom I contact, and that a healing power goes forth from me.  I know that today I shall be able to help everyone whom I meet.  There is a song at the center of my being which everyone hears, a joy which everyone feels, a strength which is imparted to all.  I place upon everyone I meet the seamless robe of Christ, the garment of truth which is the unity of God and man.  All people are my friends.

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker

July 23, 2021 – I AM ONE WITH ALL

JULY 23   


Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord … I and the Father are one … Who hath seen me hath seen the Father. 

Deuteronomy 6:4; John 10:30

Perhaps the most difficult thing for us to realize is that one Life runs through everything, one Presence manifests in everything, and one Person individualizes through everyone.  But unity does not mean uniformity.  We do not all have to be alike, think alike, or act alike, but the world is learning that we must all act in union.  The Infinite One manifests in infinite variations, each rooted in the One but each divinely unique in its own right.  Good, bad; high, low; across, above and beneath, are all one to the infinite Mind.

Today I find my union with Life. Today my imagination reaches back through all differences to the universal sameness.  Today I know that I am in Him, He is in me, we are One.  Today, I sense this Divine union of the soul with its Source and of all people with the Infinite.

I know that I am not isolated from the All-Good, but as one with it.  Therefore, I am not afraid, even when the billows roll and the wind sweeps by, for there is a divine hand guiding my ship; there is an invisible Presence at the wheel.  I lift the sails of faith and let the winds of love fill them with the mighty power of the Divine Presence.  My boat rides upon a sea of pure Spirit and finds safe anchorage in a haven of delight.  I am one with God.

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker


JULY 22     


Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lifted up, everlasting doors; and the king of glory shall come in.  Psalm 4:27

The gates represent the place in our consciousness where the Divine flows into the human.  The light which artists painted around the saints represents the light of Heaven.  Illumination or cosmic consciousness is a reality.  This is what Jesus referred to when he said, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

As the dawn of illumination breaks and the shadows of evil flee, the hills of God are touched with the glow of Divine rays.  I wake to the thought that I am one with all life.  I lift mine eyes to the sky and sing with the joy of one who beholds the Eternal Presence in everything.

Today I lift up my consciousness to the light and I know the King of Glory will come in.  Today I keep this inner light, this Candle of the Lord, trimmed and burning, for I know that the bridegroom, which is Christ, my true Self, will enter my consciousness.  I know that there is a Divine radiance emanating from everything.  I know that in this light which emanates from the very center of everything there is no darkness at all.  In this light, I see the light.

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker