APRIL 8   


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death   

Psalm 23:4

I am secure in God.  Nothing can withstand Truth, and I am knowing the Truth of my being today.  I realize that evil is neither person, place nor thing.  I believe that God is the only reality of my life.  There is nothing to prevent my good from appearing in my life right now, for I am open to the ways of the Spirit.  I face my problems with an inspired mind, and a faith that good alone can triumph, for good is God in action.

Within me is an Intelligence greater than anything the material world can devise.  I turn to this inner Christ center and know that “greater is He that is within me, than he that is within the world.” Nothing can stop the onward action of Truth in my soul.  I am undaunted by negatives, for I know that my God is with me and His Mind is leading me.

My world must respond to my thought, for that is the Law of Mind.  I now declare the peace, love and beauty of God as my true environment, and these now bless me.  God surrounds me, enfolds me and upholds me at every moment.  My word is the Law unto the thing to which it is directed.  I speak the Truth, and the Truth is all that I can experience.

I stand in the midst of a flexible universe that responds to my thought and acts upon it.  I, alone, am the creator of good in my world.  I handle my thought rightly in order to bring this good forth into my experience.  I am free of all problems, all fear and all possibilities of failure.  I know with certainty that God is for me.  I say “no” to all evil; I say “yes” to all good.

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